This candle-making machine with which one can produce fragrant bee–wax candles in a very short time. The candle-pulling process is automated.
The Candle Maker, built from 3D printed components and laser cut wooden parts, takes over the creative process of shaping and depending on the speed of rotation of the drying machine and the length of the wick, – different shaped candles are produced. While Fireservice is known for doing everything possible to keep fire out, the opening of the new production and storage hall and the presentation of the solid concrete door was taken as an opportunity to produce a first edition of the Candle Maker, making a limited edition of candles as a symbol of controlled and peaceful fire. Visitors to the opening evening were able to look over the shoulder of the designer and his team during production and at the end of the evening, – take a candle home with them. For the future, the designer dreams of further developing the Candle Maker with his team so that it can be made available online as an open source tool and can be assembled and activated by anyone. With the help of a 3D printer and the valuable expertise of studio employee Amedeo Bonini this further development should be made possible. 

Pictures by Willheit

Project assistant: Amedeo Bonini
Producer: Harry Thaler Studio
Curated by BAU 2023


